Tuesday 9 February 2010

Home-cooked: Thai Prawns in Green Curry

I love to eat, but cooking is another story. The time I could have spent learning to cook in high school was taken up by basketball practices, tournaments, leagues, fundraising, church fellowship, homework and studying. College was more of the same, except basketball got replaced by the school magazine.

There are a lot of skills I wish I had started developing earlier, like cooking and sewing. But now that I'm working, I actually have more time to try and learn new things. My good friend and former floor rep at Roehampton sent me a recipe recently for thai prawns in green curry. Rachael made this for me once, but I wasn't sure if I could replicate it again.

To make a long story short, the recipe was really simple and it came out very spicy and flavorful (as Thai food should). My roommate Ariel tried it and ended up eating a whole plateful of curry and rice. For being one who rarely cooks, I feel very accomplished that I didn't completely ruin it. Now I'm looking forward to mom's almond jello for dessert.

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