Monday 4 January 2010

Eclipse Chocolat (San Diego, CA)

Every year after Christmas, our church high school and college groups head down to Pine Valley for a few short days of rest, relaxation, and reflection (eww, alliteration). On the way home, my fellow counsellor--and also our driver--Diana suggested that we stop in San Diego to try the dessert platter at Eclipse Chocolat.The cafe is a little difficult to spot; we passed it the first time and had to turn around to find street meter parking. When we walked in, we were impressed with the decor--sea foam green walls, comfy couches, stylish menu signs. The smell made us want to order EVERYTHING. In an attempt to exercise some self-control, we tried to limit how much we ordered.

My friend Emily ordered a vanilla bean latte (I think) that tasted pretty much like melted vanilla ice cream. I bought my younger brother an azeteca cinnamon roll and got an iced tahitan tangerine tea for myself. And Diana ordered a chocolate Kentucky bourbon caramel cupcake and a seasonal dessert tasting platter (we chose grilled masala chai banana bread, azteca cinnamon roll bread pudding, grilled white chocolate fig bar, and grilled white chocolate apple-cinnamon cake).

We each had our favorites; I really loved the azteca cinnamon roll bread pudding and the Kentucky bourbon caramel cupcake. The bread pudding was not too heavy, and it was sweet with a nice kick to it--cayenne pepper maybe. The cupcake was yellow cake, and had a layer of bourbon-flavored caramel underneath a coat of chocolate icing, topped off with a couple pecans. By the end, I had gone far above and beyond my sugar quota for the week (or maybe the month).

The cafe is a little pricy for dessert, especially compared to your average yogurt shop, but if you're a chocolate fan in the San Diego area, then you should definitely drop by Eclipse Chocolat. The cafe takes an unusual, creative approach to chocolate, and even boasts special events, such as their once-a-month course meals where they cook each dish with some sort of chocolate. If you're not interested in dinner, you can always come in and read or do work; they offer free wi-fi for their customers. The service is prompt, attentive, and helpful in explaining each of the chocolate offerings.

I don't have much of a sweet tooth, but this place is perfect for chocolate lovers or anyone craving something sweet and sophisticated.

Eclipse Chocolat
2121 El Cajon Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 578-2984

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